Annual Dues, only $25*!

If you are an adult either residing in or owning residential property within the Merriman Park-University Manor neighborhood, you are automatically a member of the Merriman Park-University Manor Neighborhood Association. Dues are not mandatory, but the Association functions solely on donations and any amount is appreciated! This is your neighborhood, where neighbors make personal investments in improving and enhancing the environment for you and your family.

*Dues and donations are not tax deductible. An additional $1 will be added to online payments to cover PayPal fees.

Annual Dues, Pay by Check

To Pay by Check, make your check in the amount of $25* payable to “MPUM” and mail it to:

P.O. Box 821733
Dallas, TX 75382

Additional donations are accepted and appreciated. If you are combining dues and a donation in one check, please indicate the donation amount on the check, for accounting purposes.

*Dues and donations are not tax deductible.

Who We Are​

The MPUM Neighborhood Association is a group of dedicated residents who come together to foster a safe, beautiful, and engaged community. Our mission is to enhance the quality of life in our neighborhood by promoting safety initiatives, organizing events, and facilitating open communication among neighbors. We believe that a connected and active community is a stronger community. Our association is committed to preserving the unique character of the neighborhood while encouraging growth and improvement through collaboration and volunteerism.

Our Mission

We are a community-driven platform dedicated to bringing people together. Our mission is to create a space where community members can stay connected, attend exciting local events, and support one another by purchasing items from local vendors. We believe that strong communities are built on active participation, and we provide the tools to make that possible. By focusing on safety, beautification, and active engagement, we aim to build a neighborhood where everyone feels connected, supported, and empowered. Through our various programs, events, and volunteer opportunities, we encourage participation from all members of the community to help us achieve these shared goals.

Our Goals and Member Benefits

The MPUM Neighborhood Association strives to create a thriving, inclusive environment where every resident feels valued and heard. Here are some key benefits of becoming a member:

  • Safety Programs: Stay informed about neighborhood safety measures, including our  Volunteers in Patrol (VIP) initiative.
  • Community Events: Enjoy exclusive access to neighborhood events like, holiday celebrations, and town meetings. 

Local Resources

We are in Dallas City Council District 9, and our Council Member is Paula Blackmon.

Our neighborhood is served by the Dallas Police Department’s Northeast Division.

For Dallas Sanitation Departments monthly brush and bulky trash pick up, we are in area four, meaning that our brush and bulky trash is normally picked up during the week of the fourth Monday of each calendar month. For details and schedule variations, MPUM members are encouraged to use the free phone app, “Dallas Sanitation Services.”

Dallas City Hall’s website is City departments can be contacted by phone with questions, reports or requests for city services by dialing 3-1-1. Most requests that can be made on 3-1-1 calls can also be handled efficiently through the city government’s free phone app, “OurDallas.”

Bylaws of MPUM Neighborhood Association

Hello MPUM Neighbors,

These Bylaws, which define how our Association is run and managed, have been posted here for your information and convenience.

Bill Haughton


MPUM Neighborhood Association

Board of Directors

Bill Haughton

Current President

Robert Giesler

Past President


Vice President





All Board positions are now up for election. The Nominations will be announced at the March meeting and Elections will be in May so be sure to attend. Please email for information on the specific responsibilities of each position or if you’d like to nominate yourself or a neighbor.